The Secret to Success Lies in What You Avoid

  The Secret to Success Lies in What You Avoid More entrepreneurs need this reality check. Joseph Campbell. Illustration: Inc.; Photos: Getty Images Here’s the deepest life quote that I’ve ever heard: “The magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding.” Joseph Campbell, the famous American writer and professor who inspired the creation of Star Wars, … Continued

How Brands Can Grow Awareness Through Meaningful Partnerships

  How Brands Can Grow Awareness Through Meaningful Partnerships Partnerships are necessary marketing activities. But are you seeking the right kind of connections to build long-term growth for your brand? Photo: Getty Images There were a record-breaking 5.5 million new business applications filed in 2023. Even if many of these stall out or fail entirely, the fact remains that … Continued

AI in Business: Maximizing Gains and Minimizing Risks

  AI in Business: Maximizing Gains and Minimizing Risks Amid the AI gold rush, be advised of three risks to your business and the best practices to address them. Photo: Getty Images Over half of CEOs recently surveyed by Fortune and Deloitte said that they have already implemented generative artificial intelligence in their business to increase efficiency. And … Continued

To Be More Successful in the Face of Challenges and Adversity, a Navy SEAL Says Always Keep Your World Small

  To Be More Successful in the Face of Challenges and Adversity, a Navy SEAL Says Always Keep Your World Small How businesses can scale quickly without losing their way. Photo: Getty Images The moment went viral (over 200 million people watched the various clips), but if you missed it, here goes. Nascar driver Ross Chastain needed to make up … Continued

  This Top Leadership Coach Shares What May Be the Secret Sauce Behind Fast-Growing Organizations How businesses can scale quickly without losing their way. Photo: Getty Images CEOs have plenty of obvious benchmarks for assessing how the company is doing: winning a huge customer, hitting sales forecasts, securing funding, and increasing market share are just a few. … Continued

1 Game-Changing Growth Move for Your Biggest Deals

1 Game-Changing Growth Move for Your Biggest Deals Give everyone on the team a role. Everyone. Photo: Getty Images What if the key to sustainable business growth was as simple as giving everyone in your company a role, no matter their title or background? Imagine a workplace with an all-hands-on-deck approach, with each team member, from the CEO to the … Continued

3 Qualities That Will Set You Apart From Other Leaders

  3 Qualities That Will Set You Apart From Other Leaders Leadership is about going first, taking responsibility, and leading people somewhere worth going. Where are you taking your people? Photo: Getty Images The most effective leaders create a better world, anchored in unshakable commitment, earnest responsibility, and lasting caring for people. They do not shake things … Continued