New Team Action Module Allows for Positive Change

The best way to ensure that improvements are made in a timely manner is to distribute information to the right people … and to have measures in place to track and guarantee those corrections occur. If this sounds like what you need, then you’ll be excited to learn about our Team Action Module. For the first time, field observations can be converted into immediate actionable steps!

Here’s How It Works

We work with you to develop Action Plans for critical concerns. These reports may be triggered by specific answers to questions, certain scores, or even by keywords that you designate. The Team Action Module automatically identifies target language and deploys Action Plans instantly when an issue is uncovered by mystery shoppers, internal auditors, or both.

Next, the Action Plan is distributed to everyone involved. Managers, vendors, and even senior leadership will be immediately advised that a problem needs attention. To guarantee that the issue is remedied promptly, the Action Plan includes a deadline and outlines all the necessary steps to fix the problem correctly (and includes tracking to guarantee those improvements were made).

The Team Module in Action

Let’s review a quick example. A shop report or audit discovers that there are light fixtures with bad bulbs. A Light Bulb Action Plan will be generated, telling the location manager to do several things:

1) Confirm that the issue is genuine.
2) Contact maintenance to get the bulbs replaced.
3) Take a picture of the corrected fixtures to assure senior leadership that
the issue was resolved.

This all happens automatically with a client interface that allows everyone to manage, track, and trend Action Plans with ease. Give your clients what they’ve been asking for today – the ability to make positive changes instead of just looking at numbers and wondering what to do.