Mystery shops aren’t the only way to obtain high-quality feedback – our Digital Comment Cards can give you potentially unlimited* data direct from your actually customers. Using smartphones (or any internet-enabled mobile device) customers can provide you immediate, real-time feedback while on-site!
Better still, turn your Customer Satisfaction Initiatives into increased business by offering digital coupons in exchange for the feedback – providing a powerful incentive to return again soon. Paper-based comment cards are fraught with problems, from dubious data and low participation to the time and money compiling them – but digital changes everything.
Best of all, they are inexpensive. Imagine: getting an always-open customer feedback AND a marketing campaign, both for less than the cost of a single direct mail coupon.
And if you are using comment cards in conjunction with a Mystery Shopping program, you can trend questions across channels and see both your customers and professional evaluators feel about the same metric.
Benefits Includes
- Incredibly Low-Cost
- Instant On-Site Feedback
- Repeat Business/Returning Customers
- Integrated Reporting
- Demographic Data Collection
- Ability to Update Forms Instantly
- Potentially Unlimited Cards per Location
- Brand Visibility (your business appears on users smartphones)